... (and how not to freak out about it)

Are you afraid of clowns? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. Many people suffer from coulrophobia, the scientific name for the fear of clowns. But why do these characters who should make us laugh strike such terror in some people? In this post, we explore the possible origins and consequences of this psychological phenomenon.
One of the hypotheses to explain coulrophobia is that clowns have an ambiguous and unpredictable appearance. They wear exaggerated makeup, colorful wigs, baggy clothes, and oversized shoes. These elements make it difficult to identify their facial expressions and real intentions. In addition, they often play unexpected and sometimes aggressive pranks on the audience, such as throwing water or pie in people's faces. This lack of control over the situation can generate anxiety and fear in those who watch the show.
Another possible cause of coulrophobia is the influence of the media and pop culture. Over the years, numerous movies and books have portrayed clowns as evil, murderous beings. One of the most famous examples is the book "It: The Thing", by the writer Stephen King, which tells the story of a monstrous clown that feeds on the fear of children. The book has been adapted into a movie twice, in 1990 and 2017, and has scared millions of viewers around the world. Other examples of macabre clowns are the Joker, Batman's archenemy; Twisty, from the series "American Horror Story"; and John Wayne Gacy, a real-life serial killer who dressed as a clown to lure his victims.
The consequences of coulrophobia can vary according to the intensity of the fear. Some people may just experience discomfort or an aversion to clowns, while others may experience panic attacks or social phobia. The most indicated treatment for this type of disorder is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which aims to identify and modify the irrational thoughts that generate fear. Other techniques that can help are gradual exposure to clowns (real or virtual), hypnosis and meditation.
If you're afraid of clowns, know that you don't need to be ashamed or isolated because of it. You can seek professional help or talk to someone you trust about your feelings. Also remember that clowns are just people in costume who want to amuse other people (most of the time). They are not monsters nor do they pose a real threat to your security. Maybe one day you'll get to see clowns with different eyes and even have a few laughs with them.