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Three Powers Square in Brasilia: attack and security

Writer's picture: João FalangaJoão Falanga

View of the Three Powers Square isolated in Brasília after an attack with explosives.
Credits: CNN

What do we know about the attack?

The Incident at the Three Powers Square

On the morning of the attack, security forces were called after a suspicious individual was seen with explosive materials. The Praça dos Três Poderes, which houses the buildings of the National Congress, the Palácio do Planalto and the Supreme Federal Court, was immediately cordoned off.

Safety Measures Taken

Brasília police forces acted quickly, blocking access and evacuating the area. Security perimeters were established, while explosives experts went into action to prevent further damage.

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The attack at Praça dos Três Poderes has brought to light complex questions about the safety and security of public spaces in Brazil. At a time of uncertainty and commotion, it is essential that effective, long-term measures are implemented to protect both citizens and national heritage.

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