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Writer's pictureJoão Falanga

The End of the Red Era: How the Soviet Union Collapsed and Socialism Was Defeated

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

Socialism is a political and economic system based on the idea that resources and means of production should be controlled by the state and distributed equally among members of society. Although socialism has been implemented in many countries throughout history, many argue that it did not work in the Soviet Union.

Socialism is a political and economic system based on the idea that resources and means of production should be controlled by the state and distributed equally among members of society. Although socialism has been implemented in many countries throughout history, many argue that it did not work in the Soviet Union.

One of the reasons why socialism did not work in the Soviet Union is the lack of democracy and representation in government. Although the Soviet political system was theoretically based on the election of members of the Supreme Soviet, in practice these elections were a farce. This meant that Soviet leaders were often chosen not by the people, but rather by a bureaucratic elite that was not necessarily concerned with the welfare of society.

Socialism is a political and economic system based on the idea that resources and means of production should be controlled by the state and distributed equally among members of society. Although socialism has been implemented in many countries throughout history, many argue that it did not work in the Soviet Union.

Another reason why socialism failed in the Soviet Union was the lack of effective central planning. Although the socialist system relies on centralized planning to allocate the economy's resources, in practice this has proved difficult to implement. The Soviet government faced many challenges in deciding how to allocate the economy's scarce resources, which led to shortages of basic goods and services at various times in Soviet history.

Finally, many argue that socialism failed in the Soviet Union because the system did not operate on a competitive and cooperative model. According to this view, competition and profits are necessary to encourage companies to be more efficient and meet society's demands. Without this, Soviet companies had no incentive to improve the quality of their products or services and, consequently, could not compete with foreign companies.

In summary, socialism did not work in the Soviet Union for a number of reasons, including the lack of democracy and representation in government, the difficulty of implementing effective central planning, and the absence of a competitive and cooperative model.

Here are some suggested articles and books about the end of socialism in the Soviet Union:


  1. The Collapse of Soviet Communism: A Class Dynamics Interpretation" by Neil Fernandez (

  2. The Soviet Collapse: Contradictions and Neo-Modernisation" by Peter Nolan (

  3. The Failure of Communism and the Future of Socialism" by Michael A. Lebowitz ( -of-socialism/)


  1. The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union" by Martin McCauley

  2. Collapse of an Empire: Lessons for Modern Russia" by Yegor Gaidar

  3. The Soviet Tragedy: A History of Socialism in Russia, 1917-1991" by Martin Malia

These resources offer a valuable perspective on the historical and political context of the collapse of the Soviet Union and can help you better understand the factors that led to the fall of socialism in the USSR.

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