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Writer's pictureJoão Falanga

Since we are talking about spirituality, I mention seven practices to get spiritualized

A woman, Caucasian, red-haired, with freckles, meditating with her eyes closed, being enveloped in a white aura, and in the background the world in full chaos. Realistic, 8k, 3D rendering. Spirituality, spiritualized.

Since we are talking about spirituality, I would like to mention seven practices that will help us become more spiritual.

1 - Practice tolerance

The human being is a social being by nature, but the current pace of life and the need to “survive” has turned it into an individualistic entity. Get out of your head and surround yourself with other people, even those you don't have a good relationship with. Tolerance is a virtue that you must practice where you live, in your work and in your social circle.

2 - Let your conscience warn you

The time you spend in traffic or waiting to be seen in an office, don't use it to think about how bad the world is, use it to focus on yourself: are you the person you always wanted to be? What do you want to improve in your life? What do you need to be truly happy? When you can talk to your conscience for at least 10 minutes every day, you will make better decisions and be able to focus properly on your daily tasks.

3 - Do things you love to free your mind

Take advantage of the free time you have to do all the activities you like and that your workload and responsibilities don't always allow. Read a book, watch a movie, dance, do yoga, run, paint, sing, etc.

4 - Do something for others, without expecting anything in return

How long has it been since you did a favor just because you were helping someone? Put selfishness aside and don't "cover" what you can do for someone else. Help, provide, support... Often the only thing people need is someone to listen to them. I believe it becomes more spiritual.

5 - Disconnect from technology

Social media and media have isolated individuals. At least once a week, for an afternoon, turn everything off and relax. Go for a walk, sit and look out a window or better yet, get your family together and talk to them.

6 - Read more

Reading is the best brain gym exercise you can do to ensure your mind stays strong. It doesn't matter what you read, but do it. If you are not in the habit of reading, start with small texts or magazines that talk about topics of interest to you and gradually increase the number of pages you consume until a book of more than 500 pages is nothing for you.

7 - Meditate daily:

If you're not in the habit of totally shutting yourself off from the world to just be with yourself, it can be difficult to make this a daily activity. Start as soon as possible. Subject matter experts recommend meditating for at least 15 minutes. There are countless benefits for the body and mind. This is how spirituality comes about.

So, since we're talking about spirituality, here are seven practices for getting spiritual.

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