When you like a person, you may experience a range of emotions and physical sensations. Here are some common signs that you might like someone:
You think about them frequently: You find yourself thinking about the person throughout the day and even when you're busy doing other things.
You feel nervous or excited around them: When you're around the person you like, you might feel butterflies in your stomach or have trouble speaking or behaving normally.
You want to spend time with them: You enjoy being around the person and want to spend time with them doing things you both enjoy.
You care about their feelings: You are interested in the person's well-being and want to make them happy.
You notice their positive qualities: You focus on the person's positive traits, such as their sense of humor, intelligence, kindness, or physical appearance.
You feel jealous or possessive: You may feel a twinge of jealousy when you see the person interacting with others or talking about someone else they're interested in.
You daydream about them: You imagine what it would be like to be in a relationship with the person or have romantic experiences with them.
These are just a few signs that you might like someone. It's important to remember that everyone experiences attraction and love differently, and there's no right or wrong way to feel.