A people who passively accept corruption and the corrupt do not deserve freedom. Deserves slavery.
A country whose laws are lenient and benefit criminals has no vocation for freedom. Its people are slaves by nature.
A people whose institutions, public and private, are largely corrupt, has no future. Just past. A nation, where the so-called organized civil society does not move a straw if there is no possibility of profits, is not able to bequeath anything to its children, except dark days.
A homeland, where receiving ill-gotten money on any account is normal, is not a homeland, because in that place there is no #patriotism, only interests and appearances.
A country where the few who strive to make moral values prevail, such as honesty, ethics, honor, are suffocated and massacred, has long since fallen into the abyss. A society where many men and women are satisfied with sordid distractions, in a deep trance, does not deserve to subsist.
I only have compassion on those brave ones, who are revolted by this state of affairs. To those who consider this calamity normal, I have no feelings.
How dangerous it is to free a people who prefer slavery! (Nicholas #Machiavelli)