The terrestrial globe, also known as the Earth globe, is a three-dimensional model of the Earth's surface as seen from space. The origins of the terrestrial globe can be traced back to ancient times, with the earliest known examples of globes dating back to the ancient Greeks in the 3rd century BCE.
The Greek geographer and mathematician Crates of Mallus is credited with creating the first known terrestrial globe in the 2nd century BCE. Crates' globe was a hollow bronze sphere that was about 1.5 meters (5 feet) in diameter. It showed the Earth as a flat disc with the Mediterranean Sea at its center, surrounded by a ring of land and water. During the Middle Ages, the idea of the Earth as a globe gained popularity, and globes became more accurate and detailed over time. The Islamic world made significant contributions to globe-making during this time, with notable examples including the globe created by the Persian astronomer and mathematician Al-Sufi in the 10th century.
In Europe, the Italian cartographer and geographer Martin Behaim is credited with creating the first modern terrestrial globe in 1492. Behaim's globe showed the Earth as a sphere with the continents and oceans accurately positioned. The globe was made of metal and wood and was about 50 centimeters (20 inches) in diameter.
Over the centuries, many other cartographers and geographers have created globes with varying degrees of accuracy and detail, using advances in technology and knowledge of the Earth's geography and geology. One of the most famous globes is the Mappa Mundi, created in 1300 CE, which is a circular world map on a parchment scroll that includes illustrations of mythical creatures and religious figures.
Today, globes remain a popular tool for education, exploration, and decoration, providing a unique and comprehensive view of the Earth's surface. They are often made of plastic, paper, or other materials and come in a range of sizes, from small desk globes to large outdoor installations. High-tech digital globes also exist, which use satellite imagery and computer graphics to create interactive models of the Earth's surface.